Stats, file support and more!

2 YEARS! 🎉

The latest version brings in a whole host of requested features and fixes from our largest update, Version 2. We also wanted to say, as we celebrate 2 years of Classify, that we sincerely appreciate every user who’s taken the time to download the app and give it a try. With every update, we feel like we’re getting closer to our original goal, and our community’s support is right at the heart of that. So thanks for 2 years, and here’s to many more. 💜

File support 🗂️

Accessing even more information about your school life is easier than it’s ever been. Add multiple images and documents to your homework to view or refer to at any time.

Stats 📊

For users who wish to track their progress across all sections of the app, this one’s for you! The new stats page allows you to see everything, neatly wrapped in Settings for easy access and to help you stay on track.

After months of market research and listening to our community, here’s all the changes we made:

  • File support
  • Stats page
  • Custom illustrations 🖌️
  • Redesigned homepage
  • Saturday and Sunday options for timetable
  • 12 hour time format
  • Recurring events
  • Checklists for homework
  • Colour coding