Starting the school year with a positive mindset is something that anyone could do, but why is it that so many of us continue the rest of the academic year feeling drained and demotivated? Below is an answer to several students’ questions from our resident Classify member, Shakeel.
Category: School
Back to school: How to prepare for the return of in-person classes
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday that UK schools would re-open on March 8th, 2 months after closing. And while many of us claim we miss in-person classes, there are quite a lot of things that are better in online school. Here are some tips to help you out.
New year, new me — for real this time.
Here are the top 3 study tips to stay on top of your work.
How to structure your UCAS personal statement – tips from a recent graduate
The UCAS application deadline is just around the corner, and while many of you may have already finished polishing up your personal statements, we know a lot of you are only just getting started. Here are some tips and tricks on how to structure your UCAS statement from a recent graduate.